Winter Guard United Kingdom

New WGUK Judges Co-ordinator for 2025 season

Keleigh Moore

Following the announcement just prior to the WGUK Championships that, after 7 years in the role, Pete Lippiatt, would be standing down, the WGUK Judges Association have elected Keleigh Moore as our new Judges Co-ordinator.

Many congratulations to Keleigh and we asked her to give us a little bio and to introduce herself…

“My name is Keleigh and I have been involved in WGUK as a marching member, staff and finally as a judge. It began when I started performing with Southern Knights as a Cadet at the age of 10 and I fell in love with winter guard from there and well, as they say- the rest is history. Fast forward a few years (well quite many!) I started on my judging journey and have now been a judge for the past 11 years.

Over the past couple of years, I have been most excited to support the instructors in understanding our kids and cadets classes by using my knowledge as a primary teacher to help support and educate instructors.

I am now stepping into the role as Judges Co-ordinator and am excited to continue to grow the number of judges we have. I am also eager to be able to continue the successes in the judges education begun by my predecessors (particularly Mark Nicholson and Pete Lippiatt).”

We are sure you all join us in wishing Keleigh every success in her new position and she can be contacted via our Judges email address –
