Winter Guard United Kingdom

WGUK inducts 3 new Hall Of Fame members

In 2017 Winter Guard United Kingdom introduced its own Hall of Fame as a way of honouring the “legends” of the UK Winter Guard activity ensuring they are remembered for the indelible impressions they have left on the UK activity.

Candidates were nominated and seconded before being discussed by the Hall of Fame assessment team and we are proud to announce that the successful candidates for 2022 are Mark Nicholson, Chris Gibbs & Jason Hawke.

Congratulations to these worthy “Legends” and there will be formal induction ceremony next weekend (Saturday 2nd April) at the WGUK British Winter Guard Championships


Mark has been involved in the Winter Guard activity for many years, starting his teaching and designing career in 1985 with The Arrows as well aiding many other units in terms of design i.e. Renaissance, Free Spirit and The Freshmen as well as providing design and logistical support in terms of equipment and rehearsal venues whilst being the Director of both Midnight Review and Storm.

He has always been available to listen to new and struggling units and will often ensure that he supports and guides them as much as possible. He has demonstrated time and time again his commitment to supporting the learning of new instructors and will often use a buddy system to enable them to grow and develop.

Mark has sat on the WGUK Board for many years and was instrumental in many of the changes that pushed the activity forwards. When not being a Board Member or Show Organiser, Mark worked as a Judge in the activity before taking on the difficult role of Judges Co-ordinator a position he held for four years, working heavily alongside colleagues from WGUK, CGN and WGI in relation the educational development of our judging team.

Mark now sits as WGUK Chairman – a role which he took over in the 2020 season which saw the activity face its greatest challenge as a result of the pandemic in which COVID could have destroyed the whole activity. Mark with the support of the WGUK Board worked hard in developing and implementing a programme of action which saw increased communication, joint working, sharing knowledge and practical support in the aim of building and strengthening the capacity of our community to get through these challenging times, ensuring that the activity was ready for when the world re-opened and we could get members back to spinning and performing again.

The Hall of Fame Committee are proud to recognise Mark for his remarkable commitment to the Winter Guard Activity within the United Kingdom and induct him into the Hall of Fame.

Chris has been a constant pillar of the WGUK circuit for over 30 years as a Director, Designer, Judge, DCUK Winter Guard Co-ordinator, WGUK Championships Director and WGUK Chief Referee.

Overseeing both the development and operational delivery of Winter Guard in the United Kingdom as DCUK Winter Guard Co-ordinator, a position he held for many years. He supported the creation of Winter Guard United Kingdom and has continued to provide ongoing support in sustaining and expanding our relationships and partnerships with other National and International Organisations.

His wealth of experience is second to none and Chris has been a big part of both the WGUK and DCUK organisations success over the years.
For many years Chris has undertaken the role as Championships Chief Referee or had the responsibility of overseeing our annual showcase event as Championships Director. Chris, until recently, was also a Board Member of DCUK and a Trustee of MPAUK.

Chris is a fantastic example of what WGUK Hall of Fame stands for, which is to be remembered for the indelible impressions and contributions they have made on our activity.

The Hall of Fame Committee are proud to recognise Chris for his remarkable commitment to the Winter Guard Activity within the United Kingdom and induct him into the Hall of Fame.

Jason has been in the activity for over 25 years working with and developing many organisations and individuals both in the UK and Europe with many emphasising Jason’s passion, encouragement and support.

Jason’s support for new and developing units is well recognised and they are quick to acknowledge his support, mentoring and guidance.

Jason has been at the heart of Alliance Performance Ensemble for many years as a Designer, Instructor and Show organiser and is a current member of the WGUK Board.

The Hall of Fame Committee are proud to recognise Jason for his artistic, administrative and leadership roles over 25 years to the Winter Guard Activity within the United Kingdom and induct him into the Hall of Fame.


To find out more about the WGUK Hall Of Fame including how and when you can nominate and the criteria required visit
