Winter Guard United Kingdom

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WGUK Judging - Your Training Plan

What do you need to have?

In order to begin your training you need to have been in and around the WGUK circuit for a number of years. You do not need to have been a marching member, although this is needed for some captions. We just need enthusiasm and love of our art form and a willingness to learn.

What do you need to do if interested?
Send an email to

What does the training consist of?
1) A group online session giving an overview into the judging ethos and judging basics.
2) A meeting online with the caption specialist to learn more of the intricacies of that caption.
3) Individual practice on talking to become familiar with the commentary vocabulary.
4) A group online session with old and new judges with a judging focus for that year.
5) Further individual practice on talking to become familiar with the commentary vocabulary.
6) A group face to face session to train with old and new judges and to discuss scoring range guards.
7) Scoring exercise to be completed at home.
8) A face to face training session the day before the first competition with practise time.
9) Practise scores and commentary at a live competition- starting with Kids and Cadets (Juniors depending on previous WGUK experience)
10) A call in the week following the competition to discuss with the caption lead.

After this, steps 9 and 10 will continue until the Judges Co-ordinator is satisfied that you are ready to judge “live”. You will judge live in the early classes first whilst continuing to train in the higher classes. There is no timeline for this as each person will have their own needs and strengths.

Email or click here to use our contact form ››

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